Feldman Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram Woodhaven

Aug 3, 2022
6 Completely Wrong Ways To Drive In The Rain

When it rains, it can get tough to drive. Should you use your brakes more? What about the accelerator? Use these tips to stay safe on the roads when it’s wet. Just remember: keep calm and carry on! Driving in the rain doesn’t have to be a hassle – follow these simple tips, and you’ll be good to go.

Don’t Drive on the Sides.

Modern roads are raised in the middle. This means that water settles on the sides during rainstorms. The difference between the road’s middle and sides may be marginal, but it could be enough to send your car into deep puddles if you’re not careful when driving to the sides.

Don’t Use Your Cruise Control.

When driving in the rain, it’s best to avoid using cruise control. If you hit a puddle of water, your car could hydroplane. During hydroplaning, your vehicle’s tires lose contact with the road, which can be hazardous. If you need cruise control, ensure you drive below the speed limit.

Switching Off the Headlights

The car’s headlights are a key partner on this challenging journey. Many drivers think they need to switch off their headlights while driving in the rain, but this is not true. It would help if you had your headlights even during the daytime when it rains.

Not Slowing Down

One of the most important driving tips is to slow down when the roads are wet. Speed limits are based on driving conditions when the roads are dry. When it rains, however, the streets become more slippery, and it becomes harder to brake. Giving yourself extra time to stop is essential, especially if the traffic is moving slowly.

Don’t Drive Through a Flooded Street.

We know these stunts sound cool in the movies but driving through a flooded street is one of the riskiest driving mistakes you can make. A few inches of water is enough to damage your car’s engine. When driving in the rain, always look for signs warning of a flooded street ahead.

Not Taking Care of Your Windshield Wipers

Your windshield wipers are one of your car’s most important safety features. When they’re not working correctly, it’s difficult to see through the rain, which can lead to accidents. Always ensure your wipers are in good condition before driving in the rain.

Even if you think you know how to drive in the rain, there are a few things you might be doing wrong. Here at Feldman CDJR of Woodhaven, serving Trenton, MI, we help drivers stay safe on the roads and avoid costly repairs. If you’ve been driving through puddles of water or battling hydroplaning, it’s time for a service session. Schedule an appointment with us today and let our team take care of your car maintenance and repair needs.