Feldman Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram Woodhaven

Nov 9, 2021
FAQs About Feldmand CJDR Of Woodhaven

When you’re shopping for a new car, asking the right questions can help guide your decision. However, if you are unsure of what to ask or how much knowledge about cars is required before going into the dealership – don’t worry! We have some questions you can effectively ask dealers. This will help you feel more confident in your purchase and will help you make a well-informed decision, too.

Many of us have a love-hate relationship with our cars. They can be frustrating, expensive, and sometimes just downright hard to deal with. Feldman CJDR of Woodhaven, serving Milan, MI, has compiled FAQs that buyers and sellers alike will find satisfying.

What Pre-Owned Vehicles Do You Have?

You can search our inventory for our current stock. We have vehicles that suit the needs and wants of various car drivers. Our Vehicles Under 15K inventory has the perfect, affordable cars for people wanting a decent driving experience – features included – without burning a hole in their wallet. Furthermore, we have certified, pre-owned vehicles that are safe and reliable for purchase. You can even determine the value of your car with us by providing its make and model. If it meets our requirements, we just might buy it from you.

You Have a Specials Sections. What Cars Are Included In It?

We have two categories in our inventory of special cars – new specials and pre-owned specials. New specials come straight from the manufacturer with premium features like 10,000 annual miles. Pre-owned specials are these same cars; however, you will not be their first owner. Since we do not accept any vehicles (even for our pre-owned specials category) unless they meet all of our requirements, these pre-owned specials are of equal value.

Are Your Pre-Owned Special Vehicles Certified?

There are many benefits to buying a certified pre-owned special vehicle, but there’s one major drawback. Many people don’t know that these cars can have outdated technology and features if their warranty has not been brought up to date recently by the manufacturer’s service centers. Our pre-owned specials, of course, are certified and checked for validity in every aspect.

Where Can I Get Pre-Approved?

You can get pre-approved for a car purchase and loan in Woodhaven and Clarkston with us. The process is pretty simple. Sign up on our site for the pre-approval, and we will get back to you with instructions. This will follow a visit to our office, and we will talk and guide you through every step of the way.

Buying a car is a serious commitment. Be absolutely sure of your purchase decision; if you feel stuck or cannot find someone reliable, Feldman CJDR of Woodhaven have got you covered!