Feldman Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram Woodhaven

Mar 1, 2022
The Oddest Place You’ll Find An Electrical Short Circuit In Your Car

You might think that electrical shorts are only a problem for homes and businesses. Yet, short circuits can occasionally be caused in our cars and can lead to long-term issues that can affect the overall control of the vehicle. They can even be dangerous sometimes, depending on the location of the electrical fault.

Therefore, finding a short circuit in a car is essential if you plan to repair the damage. It’s also important to determine whether it’s safe to drive your vehicle until you can get it fixed at Feldman CDJR of Woodhaven, Belleville, MI.

This blog post will discuss some familiar places; where shorts occur in cars and what you can do about them!

Common Short Circuit Places in Your Car

There are a few familiar places where you might find an electrical short in your car. The most common place is the plug that connects to the battery. These plugs can become defective over time, creating a short circuit.

Another commonplace for shorts is in the wiring harnesses that run throughout the car. If a wire corrodes or comes into contact with another conductor, it can create a short circuit. Hence, electricity will flow through the circuit rapidly. As a result, the wires and other components in the circuit will get heated up.

Another commonplace for shorts to occur is within the fuse box. If a fuse blows, it can create a short circuit in the system. 

Odd Places for Short Circuit in your Vehicle:

Short circuits can also occur in less expected places, such as the car’s computer. If there is an effective plug wire, it may cause a short circuit. The same is true for connectors, switches, and terminals. Any place with a potential for two bare wires to touch can cause a short circuit.

Here’s a list of some places where a short might occur:

  • Fuse box
  • Wiring harness
  • Plug wires
  • Connectors
  • Switches
  • Terminals 
  • defective plugs
  • broken insulation on wire
  • Engine wiring
  • Spark plugs
  • Coil packs

One of the most dangerous types of short circuits is circuit overload. It happens when too much electricity tries to flow through a circuit at once. The excess electricity will cause the wires in the circuit to heat up and potentially start a fire. It’s essential to know about these dangers and know how to find a short in a car before you start repairing any damage.

Finally, shorts can also occur in the ignition system. If the wires or connectors become corrupted or damaged, it can create a short circuit that will prevent the car from starting.

The consequences of an electrical short circuit can be severe. In addition to causing damage to the vehicle, they can also create a fire hazard. It’s essential to know how to find and fix a short circuit in your car so that you can keep yourself and your passengers safe.

If you experience an electrical problem with your vehicle, it’s always best to consult a professional mechanic at Feldman CDJR of Woodhaven, serving Belleville, MI.

They will analyze the issue and repair it for you. Schedule a service today!